Friday, 22 April 2011

Tala latest update

Hey all we have bews on tala we went to the vets last week to get the results of her blood test and she has lieshamania which is a desease that infects her white blood cells and attacks her immune system which is why she had been having other issues like the mange and skin problems. So we have a course of injections that we have to give her every other day for 40 days!!! then this will clear it up for her.

She is looking loads healthyer already and we have only been giving her 6 injections. All her hair is looking a lot shineyer and her bald spots have grown hair again!!! it is weird giving her injections something new i have never done,

One side affect is that she can get upset stomachs from the treatment so we have been treated to her grazing and eating more grass than a sheep then throwing it back up. I shouldnt laugh but its so funny to see her looking sorry for herself as she munches grass :)

When is a dog like a sheep?

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